What is DimpleHead?

Well, a DimpleHead is someone who eats, drinks, sleeps and lives for the game of golf.  DimpleHeads range anywhere from 5 years old to nearly 100, male and female.  Spanning the entire globe, in every nation, DimpleHeads love the game of golf.  It’s hard to explain the pull of the game on one’s soul.  Perhaps it’s the quest to hit that one perfect shot or shoot one’s lowest score.  It’s infectious and grabs you like no other.  When DimpleHeads aren’t playing golf, their watching golf, thinking about golf and dreaming about golf.

So, we wanted to build a site for our fellow DimpleHeads around the world to help tell stories about some of the greatest places to play and the greatest places to visit.

We look forward to sharing our experiences with you, as well as hearing from you how much the game means to you!

Many birdies to you,

The DimpleHead Crew